The old PHOTO seemed to talk a lot. Thirteen East Asian youth dressed in Japanese soldiers pose facing the camera. One of them appeared to be holding a small dog. Not many people know, if in fact the soldiers were not Japanese. "They are Korean youth who were sent by the Japanese military to Java in 1942," said Rostineu, an observer of Korean history from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Indonesia. Once, in May 1942 the Japanese military mobilized 3,223 Korean youths to the Southeast Asian region. Most of them were assigned as gunsok (Japanese army aides) in Burma, Malaya, Singapore, the Philippines and Indonesia. "Their ages range from 20-35 years," Rostineu said on the sidelines of a discussion on the Role of Korean Warriors in the Indonesian Revolution held by Historika Indonesia in collaboration with KCC (Korean Cultural Center) in Jakarta on Saturday (18/8). Phorokamsiwon Jakarta, September 14, 1942. A Japanese warship coming from Busan, Korea do...